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Generate regular data over the covariates of a smooth


  n = 100,
  n_2d = NULL,
  n_3d = NULL,
  n_4d = NULL,
  offset = NULL,
  include_all = FALSE,
  var_order = NULL



a fitted model


the number ID of the smooth within model to process.


numeric; the number of new observations to generate.


numeric; the number of new observations to generate for the second dimension of a 2D smooth. Currently ignored.


numeric; the number of new observations to generate for the third dimension of a 3D smooth.


numeric; the number of new observations to generate for the dimensions higher than 2 (!) of a kD smooth (k >= 4). For example, if the smooth is a 4D smooth, each of dimensions 3 and 4 will get n_4d new observations.


numeric; value of the model offset to use.


logical; include all covariates involved in the smooth? if FALSE, only the covariates involved in the smooth will be included in the returned data frame. If TRUE, a representative value will be included for all other covariates in the model that aren't actually used in the smooth. This can be useful if you want to pass the returned data frame on to mgcv::PredictMat().


character; the order in which the terms in the smooth should be processed. Only useful for tensor products with at least one 2d marginal smooth.


df <- data_sim("eg1", seed = 42)
m <- bam(y ~ s(x0) + s(x1) + s(x2) + s(x3), data = df)

# generate data over range of x1 for smooth s(x1)
smooth_data(m, id = 2)
#> # A tibble: 100 x 1
#>           x1
#>        <dbl>
#>  1 0.0004050
#>  2 0.01046  
#>  3 0.02052  
#>  4 0.03057  
#>  5 0.04063  
#>  6 0.05069  
#>  7 0.06074  
#>  8 0.07080  
#>  9 0.08086  
#> 10 0.09091  
#> # i 90 more rows

# generate data over range of x1 for smooth s(x1), with typical value for
# other covariates in the model
smooth_data(m, id = 2, include_all = TRUE)
#> # A tibble: 100 x 4
#>           x1     x0     x2     x3
#>        <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
#>  1 0.0004050 0.4883 0.4708 0.4879
#>  2 0.01046   0.4883 0.4708 0.4879
#>  3 0.02052   0.4883 0.4708 0.4879
#>  4 0.03057   0.4883 0.4708 0.4879
#>  5 0.04063   0.4883 0.4708 0.4879
#>  6 0.05069   0.4883 0.4708 0.4879
#>  7 0.06074   0.4883 0.4708 0.4879
#>  8 0.07080   0.4883 0.4708 0.4879
#>  9 0.08086   0.4883 0.4708 0.4879
#> 10 0.09091   0.4883 0.4708 0.4879
#> # i 90 more rows