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Estimates pairwise differences (comparisons) between factor smooth interactions (smooths with a factor by argument) for pairs of groups defined by the factor. The group means can be optionally included in the difference.


difference_smooths(model, ...)

# S3 method for class 'gam'
  select = NULL,
  smooth = deprecated(),
  n = 100,
  ci_level = 0.95,
  data = NULL,
  group_means = FALSE,
  partial_match = TRUE,
  unconditional = FALSE,
  frequentist = FALSE,



A fitted model.


arguments passed to other methods. Not currently used.


character, logical, or numeric; which smooths to plot. If NULL, the default, then all model smooths are drawn. Numeric select indexes the smooths in the order they are specified in the formula and stored in object. Character select matches the labels for smooths as shown for example in the output from summary(object). Logical select operates as per numeric select in the order that smooths are stored.


[Deprecated] Use select instead.


numeric; the number of points at which to evaluate the difference between pairs of smooths.


numeric between 0 and 1; the coverage of credible interval.


data frame of locations at which to evaluate the difference between smooths.


logical; should the group means be included in the difference?


logical; should smooth match partially against smooths? If partial_match = TRUE, smooth must only be a single string, a character vector of length 1. Unlike similar functions, the default here is TRUE because the intention is that users will be matching against factor-by smooth labels.


logical; account for smoothness selection in the model?


logical; use the frequentist covariance matrix?


df <- data_sim("eg4", seed = 42)
m <- gam(y ~ fac + s(x2, by = fac) + s(x0), data = df, method = "REML")

sm_dif <- difference_smooths(m, select = "s(x2)")
#> # A tibble: 300 x 9
#>    .smooth .by   .level_1 .level_2 .diff   .se .lower_ci .upper_ci      x2
#>    <chr>   <chr> <chr>    <chr>    <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl>
#>  1 s(x2)   fac   1        2        0.386 0.618  -0.824        1.60 0.00359
#>  2 s(x2)   fac   1        2        0.479 0.574  -0.646        1.60 0.0136 
#>  3 s(x2)   fac   1        2        0.572 0.534  -0.474        1.62 0.0237 
#>  4 s(x2)   fac   1        2        0.665 0.497  -0.308        1.64 0.0338 
#>  5 s(x2)   fac   1        2        0.758 0.464  -0.151        1.67 0.0438 
#>  6 s(x2)   fac   1        2        0.850 0.435  -0.00342      1.70 0.0539 
#>  7 s(x2)   fac   1        2        0.941 0.412   0.134        1.75 0.0639 
#>  8 s(x2)   fac   1        2        1.03  0.393   0.262        1.80 0.0740 
#>  9 s(x2)   fac   1        2        1.12  0.378   0.380        1.86 0.0841 
#> 10 s(x2)   fac   1        2        1.21  0.367   0.489        1.93 0.0941 
#> # i 290 more rows


# include the groups means for `fac` in the difference
sm_dif2 <- difference_smooths(m, select = "s(x2)", group_means = TRUE)